Protected Place to Think   (detail) -w.c.- 1987v
  The Ascent of Architecture  -w.c./gold leaf/india ink- 1985
   The Secret Gardener   -w.c./india ink- 1988
   The Jetty Museum   -w.c.- 2004
   The Quiet Zone   -w.c./india ink- 2000
   Acropolis   -w.c./ink lines- 2006v
   Genis Loci   -w.c./india ink/gold leaf- 1987
   Black Ground Buildings   -w.c./india ink/gold leaf- 1987
   Temple of NIKE   -w.c./gold leaf/india ink- 1987
   The Decoration of Towers   -w.c./india ink- 1987
   Tower of Color   -w.c./india ink- 1988
   Architecture at the Crossroads   -w.c.- 1985
   Nowhere   -w.c.- 2006
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